The Hongkong Prize and Hari Art Prize

hongkong prize

Hongkong Prize is one of Asia’s premier scientific research awards, honoring scientific work that makes an impactful contribution to society. Winners receive cash awards and access to Hong Kong’s premier research facilities as well as an awards ceremony where their work can be presented. Previous recipients have included brain cancer survivors who established agencies to aid students experiencing mental health issues as well as artists reinterpreting human rights into fine art concepts.

Hari Art Prize Hong Kong is open to self-taught artists or art graduates within their first decade of professional art practice, who submit up to two pieces for consideration for consideration for an award of up to USD 10,000 cash prize and public exhibition participation. This contest seeks to foster self-development and creativity throughout Hong Kong.

For consideration for the Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Prize, candidates must possess either a doctorate or equivalent degree in any area of natural sciences, applied mathematics, computer science engineering electrical and electronics engineering materials science life health sciences physics artificial intelligence robotics to qualify. Your nomination will then be reviewed by an Academy panel of experts in your field; those selected as top five recipients will be honored at an awards ceremony with medals.

The HK Prize was established in 2007 to recognize individuals who had achieved incredible feats, celebrating excellence across Hong Kong. Among its finalists is a young man using technology to assist homeless adults and an artist reinterpreting human rights issues of today; an excellent way of inspiring young people towards science while making an impactful statement about humankind.

Today marked the 5th Inter-school Competition of Project Learning on Hong Kong History & Culture. The Competition provides students with an opportunity to broaden their interest in history while honing independent thinking skills by working out topics, researching information, formulating reports and reporting back. Furthermore, students can use both Chinese and English as primary languages throughout this competition process. With 47 entries from 18 schools this year spanning junior and senior divisions; with the latter further divided into Written Report and Multimedia Production categories for maximum involvement from its participants. Click here for more info about Hongkong Prize prizes!